Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Sledding Hill: A Review

Title: The Sledding Hill
Author: Chris Crutcher
Rating: 9 out of 10
Where I Found It: Library
Summary: Billy, recently deceased, keeps an eye on his best friend, fourteen-year-old Eddie, who has added to his home and school problems by becoming mute, and helps him stand up to a conservative minister and English teacher who is orchestrating a censorship challenge.
General Impression: I was so pleased to see Chris Crutcher take on a book that didn't have as heavy of a sports background, it was still there, just not as much. I have to say I loved this book, more than, maybe all but one of his other stories, which is Deadline for anyone who may want to check it out. I felt like I could relate to this book more than any of the others he's written. It was really clever, I think, to write a book about censorship by the way even if the tid bit of self-promotion ticked me off a little. I would suggest this for anyone you would like to get interested in Chris Crutcher who you don't feel is ready for his other work yet (in my example, probably my mom or something like that).

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