Sunday, April 12, 2009

Max: A Review

Two in one day, I know, I'm proud of myself too.

Title: Max
Author: James Patterson
Rating: 9 out of 10
Where I Found It: Gift
Summary: When millions of fish start dying off the coast of Hawaii and something is destroying hundreds of ships, the government enlists the flock - a band of genetically modified children who can fly - to help get to the bottom of the mystery before it is too late.
General Impression: Although not my favorite in the series (which is probably the first one, The Angel Experiment) it was excellent and improved over the last novel. The characters are still awsome and growing, the action is still fast paced, the narraration style is still hilarious. I love a male author who can write so authentically from a female perspective. James Patterson still has to work on some naming issues but seems to have improved in this novel and besides that, the markdown is for one missing word. I suggest this book to all people who like their books action packed.

Forget it! No one's getting married! Not in New Hampshire or
anywhere else! Not in a box, not with a fox! Now go to sleep, before I kill

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