Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Door Within: A Review

Title: The Door Within
Author: Wayne Thomas Batson
Rating: 4 out of 10
Where I Found It: Lent By Friend
Summary: Three ancient scrolls beckon high school student Aidan Thomas to enter a realm of knights, kings,, and unusual creatures, but he must rely on instinct and his latent athletic ability to deal with the terror, tempest, and treason offered by this new world.
General Impression: This book is a classic example of a good plot occurring to someone with limited writing skills. My annoyance at the overuse of exclamation points and lack of contractions kept distracting me from the story. Throw in some adjectives and adverbs that don't entirely make sense in the context and we have a rather irritated reader on our hands. The story was actually okay (three point five on a scale of five) with it's interesting religious parallels and a few good plot twists (amongst a multitude of predictable ones). The ending was satisfying (not in the because it was over sense, I'm serious). The characters, where to begin? Rather stereotypical, we have the pudgy loser kid who turns into a knight, the girl who claims to be as tough as the guys but ends up being the damsel in distress on multiple occasions anyway, the tough but loving commander, you get the point, your typical fantasy cast. I did somehow manage to connect with them, though it took most of the book. So do I suggest this book? Yes and no. If you read for the story and that alone, go for it. If writing quality is a big thing for you, then don't. You'll probably end up hitting your head with the book going "Why? Why?"

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