Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Vampires = Perfect Teen Book

I was just at the Mall of America and of course had to visit Barnes and Nobles. While I was buying On Writing by Stephen King, Life as We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer, and Black Rabbit Summer by Kevin Brooks; I noticed something that disturbed me. It would seem that after the success of Twilight the number of teen vampire novels has skyrocketed. I find this insulting as a reader and as a writer.
That writers would forgo all sense of originality to copy the latest big thing. I mean why copy the latest big thing, why not try to BE the NEXT big thing? And why do they think that the readers of America are content to just sit in a pile of ever growing vampire novels? I like variety in my reading. Plus, the vampire genre is riddled with cliches that are becoming increasingly difficult to avoid.
As a confession, I do have a vampire character in my fantasy novel, but she really is no where near a main character. To say the plot revolved around her would be like saying the sun revolves around the earth.
Anyway, rant done.

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