Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Zombie Haiku: A Review

So, I know that this book was not on my books to read list, but due to they library card predicament starting on that list is temporarily postponed. (I'm going to get a new card on Saturday if all goes well).
So here's to the review.
Book: Zombie Haiku
Author: Ryan Mecum
Rating: 7 out of 10
Where I Found It: Lent By Friend
General Impression: This book was not what I expected at all. I was thinking it would be random poems about zombies, but it turned out to actually have a plot! That was exciting. I don't suggest this book for anyone who's squeamish but other than that it was excellent. It's a short book at 139 pages with at most 12 lines of text on a page but it's packed with vivid descriptions and action. I thought it was well written, and a clever idea. The creativity that went into this book is most impressive. The ending left me with one of those satisfied That-was-a-good-book feelings.
If you're a poetry fan or a zombie fan, than this book is for you, or if you just like a good book.